Last spring, Dr. Katherine Fink, Associate Professor taught a class titled “The Art of Anchoring.”

Despite the midway switch to remote learning and the lack of equipment, Professor Katherine Fink’s Art of Anchoring class did not let remote learning impact their ability to deliver newscasts each week. Students have had to adapt without the benefit of utilizing the tv studio on campus. They continued to publish and record headlines regarding Pace, Westchester, and college education. The final assignment required students to create TV news packages that consisted of a variety of camera shots, interviews, and different soundbites. Students excelled in the assignment even with the COVID-19 restrictions and were able to produce work that can be incorporated in a highlight reel.

Here are three examples of the student work that was completed in the class:

1. Parks and trails are popular places to social distance these days- let’s see what precautions are being made to keep the people who use them safe. For more, here’s Jacky Bethea.


2. At a time when social distancing makes dating nearly impossible, there’s a new app that says it can help. Jade Perez has this story.

3. New York City has shown resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here’s Natalie Hernandez with how the city shows its support everyday at 7 p.m.

Now that the fall semester has started, we encourage you to think outside of the box and not let the COVID-19 restrictions impact the material that can be produced. We can’t wait to see what MCVA students curate next.