As a senior Public Relations major, I am freaking out about what I’d want to do in the future, and I’m sure I’m not alone. With the right internships or, well, different internships, someone can learn more about themselves while learning what they would want to do in the future.
I have worked 4 different internships. All my internships introduced me into various kinds of PR; general PR, fashion PR, and most recently entertainment PR. It is important for me to explore different types of public relations to fully grasp what I want to do, what kind of PR I would be happy doing, and what type of PR I would be able to do well. There are many different aspects of PR, and experimenting with my interests through internships will help me find the right path.
For me, I’ve always loved using social media, looking at analytics, insights, and engagements. However, I also like the one-on-one connection with people. Combining both would be my dream job, so what kind of PR should I do?
Currently, I am working at the YES Network. If you aren’t familiar with it, the YES Network is the exclusive coverage network for the Yankees and Brooklyn Nets. A lot of my day to day consists of looking at ratings and keeping up with the tabloids to see what they are saying about the teams. This internship doesn’t only cover sports, but various different forms of PR such as finding talent for a show that will launch soon.
At my internship last semester, we focused on big name celebrities. ID PR, the agency I interned at, was located on both the East Coast and the West Coast. Being on two different coasts, we had two different audiences. Every day held a different way of doing PR based on the main concern that day. For example, when it was the Emmy awards, everything we did was in relation to getting prepared for the Emmy’s. We researched who our clients were up against, what the media was covering, and how we could successfully pull off all aspects of an awards show in a pandemic. In doing so, we adapted and planned for every moment in order to be prepared.
Without my internships I wouldn’t know where to begin. To me, internships are very important in the sense we need to learn beyond the classroom. I find that we learn the basic skills in the classroom that help us land internships, but during an internship you learn if you have what it takes to be successful in that field. It can be very overwhelming, but most times you feel rewarded by the end of the week. I find internships very valuable and important as I learn more about who I am and what I want to do with my degree. With the insight I’ve gained from my most current internships, I’ve realized I definitely want to work in the entertainment field and become a publicist one day.
About the Author:
Stephanie Nazario is a senior Public Relations major. She is currently an Public Relations intern at the YES Network. In the fall semester, she was an Entertainment Public Relations Intern at ID Public Relations where she developed a passion for Entertainment PR. Stephanie is Executive Vice President of the Student Government Association and is very involved on campus and with the MCVA department.